Monday, November 4, 2013


Since 2010, I've cut my blogging teeth on several entries into the blogosphere; mostly lifestyle blogs featuring posts about various experiences I've had, things I've found interesting and informative, recipes, etc.

My first Food+Clothing+Shelter blog was based on the premise that you can tell almost anything about a person or culture by what they eat, what they wear, and where and how they live.

One of my favorites was Sweet+Sophisticated+Southern;  a collection of dessert recipes inspired by my Mom's cookbook; quickly abandoned to save my waistline and cholesterol levels.

Silver Foxes was my tribute to all of the silver haired ladies and gentlemen who embrace their fabulous tresses; my contribution to the "how to age well" genre.

There were other, more short-lived ones, that I won't go into...

I've enjoyed writing all of them. And more importantly, I've learned a lot. First of all, I've learned that most of my posts are just too long. There is so much information online, and people are busy. We don't have the time these days to sit down and read lengthy posts, no matter how interesting they are. And frankly, I don't have the time to write them on a regular basis...

I've also realized that my interests are extremely broad, which is good and bad. It has been difficult for me to develop a concept that I can stick with, because I'm all over the place! But, I'm working on that, and hopefully this blog will bear the fruit of my efforts to focus.

So, I'm going to end this now, lest it becomes another long post that I don't really have time to write, and YOU don't have time to read! More to come...


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