Monday, January 6, 2014

why can't I be more like ralph?

I always feel a little letdown when the holidays are over. After seeing family and friends, going to brunches and lunches and parties, and celebrating a fresh new year, it's difficult to downgrade into the reality that is everyday life.

Saturday morning, I was drinking coffee and feeling kind of poopy. Ralph, my terrier, best friend, and partner in crime, came bounding into the room, jumped on the sofa, and began to lick my face. He was so happy to see me, even though he'd been sound asleep on my feet ten minutes before.

I asked him if he wanted to go outside and he jumped up, spinned around, and barked enthusiastically. I stood at the door, watching him run around the backyard, springing like a deer, fur flying in the wind and tail wagging. He came back in with a nice stick that he'd found.

Then I asked if he was hungry. He was so excited over his little bowl of crappy dog food, just like he is every morning. A few minutes later, I offered him a bite of my blueberry waffle; it might as well have been filet mignon. While I sat there moping, he batted his new stick around, and jumped up on my lap periodically to give me doggy kisses. Later, while I loaded the dishwasher, he was in the sun room, napping in a warm patch of sunlight, with a look of pure joy and contentment on his hairy little face...

My question? Why can't I be more like Ralph?

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